A pleasure in life
Love making. It's great to have a deep connection with someone.
A love song
Cotton Candy. The song is based on an ex boyfriend. It was a happy relationship while it lasted.
A love film
Gentleman Prefer Blonde's. Marilyn Monroe was seen as a typical "dumb blonde" but in the end is revealed as the smart one, marrying the nerdy guy and by not basing her choice on looks, she gained security and love.
A lifestyle
Glamorous and happy I can't have children. It sounds selfish but being a transsexual, kids are not something I consider. I like the freedom of not being tied down with family and kids. Kids wouldn't allow me to take care of myself. I'm self indulgent.
A city you cherish
Paris, it's old and beautiful. Everything is pretty even the pavement and the grounds. NYC - convenient! I can do a million things in one day and don't need a car. Brazil has beautiful men and people. Italy is very friendly and passionate. Everything has it's charm.
A plan for the summer
Getting through all my airplane flights and continue to travel.
Any fear?
I'm afraid of heights.
Actual and future plans
I would like to continue to perform, work on my music and act. I'd like to try more challenging things. I had a great time performing with a band at my record release. I'd like to work towards a concert with band, singing live and incorporate more dancing. People tend to want to give me easy things to do. I want to be challenged.. with movie rolls, bigger venues, etc.